Name :

Vitamin C

Group : Vitamins
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from bacteria and viruses, have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, strengthening the immune system and increases the efficiency of other vitamins (vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, vitamin E). Has anti-cancer properties, reduces intoxication in alcoholics and drug addicts, and even slow the aging process. Supports brain by protecting it from oxygen deficiency.
Product Count ingredients
bread Melin - razgrad (1) (4)
milk humana hn probiotic treatment with 300 g . (1) (15)
hipp juice with vitamin with 4M 200ml . . (1) (2)
hipp soft apple juice 200ml 4 m . . (1) (2)
gum airwaves (1) (11)
- queens nectar orange (1) (4)
сок из экзотических фруктов "demeter" beutelsbacher 100%, 0,7л (1) (1)
сок мультифруктовый "rabenhorst" 11plus 11 прямого отжима 750 мл. (1) (0)
леденцы «фруктовый микс 9 витаминов» тм «sula», 60 г (1) (6)
леденцы «мятный микс с витамином с» тм «sula», 60 г (1) (7)
111 - 120 from total 220